Friday, October 31, 2008

#23 Is this really the end?

Well for the official exercise it is.
This was quite a bit longer, more time consuming, and in-depth then I had thought it would be!!
I did learn quite a few things and I got to take away some really useful insight of some wonderful programs and tools. With my position with the library being assisting patrons on the computers there was so much invaluable knowledge in The 23 Things that I am really glad I took it on.
With the program being offered for everyone I was able to embrace the tasks knowing that I had done so gladly. It was an opportunity to not only grow in ability for personal interest but in practical ability as well.
I also learned that I was not alone in my difficulty with some of the processes and that was good. When you know you are not the only one struggling then you don't feel as worried about it.
Overall I am just very happy that I did this program and relatively pleased with myself for having completed it and, before the deadline for the official first batch was over as well!!
I want to let people know of my thanks for this opportunity and the hard work that went into hammering all of this out to personalize this for us OPLers.
I hope everyone else learned a few good things too.
Good night and good luck!!

1 comment:

Deirdre said...

Congratulations on completing the program. It looks like you got a lot out of it (and thanks for recognizing the work some of us have done behind the scenes :)). I hope you'll continue using some of the tools you encountered and let others know about others you have found.
